

Bleet: the App Where Bloggers Meet // I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Hello, lovely people! Forgive my all-caps SCREAMING in the title, but I am genuinely excited about this post. Why? Well, lemme tell you... this is actually kind of a dream-come-true for me. Why?? Well, lemme explain....
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Meeting an Internet Friend IRL // from blogging to besties

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Hello, lovely people! Yes, I am back again. Today I have a very exciting story to share with you. While it is something that happened over a month ago, it is still very important & special to me. I've been wanting to write about this ever since it happened, but honestly, I needed time to process the whole thing. It was just so life-changing!...
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