

Top 10 Favorite Literary Films

Friday, November 13, 2020

Hello, lovely people! So I don't know if you know this about me, but I absolutely love watching a good film!! Yes, there are dozens of Netflix shows I adore & BBC mini-series I enjoy binging... but there is something about a good, standalone film that is just so charming. The stories just seem to stick with me longer. Particularly the ones that have literary themes hidden (or not-so-hidden)...
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How I Am Graduating College Debt-Free

Monday, August 24, 2020

Yes, you read the title right. I am graduating from college completely debt-free. That's right—no loans. No, my parents aren't loaded. No, I didn't rob a bank. And no, the title is not clickbait. I truly am getting my degree without going a penny into debt. You might be wondering how that's even possible. After all, everyone goes into debt for their degree, right? My friend, this is so...
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5 TED-Talks Every Student Needs to Watch

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

If you're anything like me, you try your best to study for exams but look up 12 hours later only to find that you've somehow gone on a YouTube spiral and are now watching videos of baby goats at 2 am... While this is definitely a problem (seriously, please study), sometimes hearing a pep talk is all you need to help you get your head back in the game. And what better to do that than a TED-talk? So...
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How to Make Extra Cash as a Broke College Student

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Hey, everyone! So listen, I know what it's like to be a "broke college student." Believe me, you're not alone. As of today, I've been a student for a total of 4 years. During my four years, I've experienced nearly every type of living situation, from living in the dorms, a group housing situation, a studio apartment, an amazing luxury apartment (story on that in a later post), and...
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