

Friday, August 3, 2018

This is me.

This is me living authentically & without regrets.

This is me not letting my fear of other people's opinions get in the way of me following my calling.

This is me being me.


Initially, this blog was dedicated to all things bookish & literary-related. If you look back in the deep dark corners of it, you'll find book reviews & author interviews & much ado about BOOKS, which is lovely...

I loved that blog. I loved that life. I loved that passion.

But life has a funny way of changing directions before you even realize what's going on in the first place. I still love books, I still love writing, and I still have a deep appreciation for literary things... But I feel like putting myself into a "box" has been preventing me from being completely creative in every aspect of my life.

When I was just "book blogging," I felt like I was unable to post about other things going on in my life. I felt pressured to "be bookish" all the time, even when I didn't feel like talking about books. I felt like I had created this persona, which was still technically a PART of me, but it didn't quite seem to completely fit me anymore. (It was almost like my favorite shirt had been put into the dryer on the 'high heat' setting for too long & somehow shrunk. It was still my shirt, I could still wear it, but it wasn't quite the perfect fit anymore...)

In short, my creativity was suffering. But I want to live and breathe creativity.

I feel like I can better do that for myself with a LIFESTYLE BLOG.

So... welcome to Plottinger Twist: Living Life with a Twist.

In this blog you will now find anything and everything to do with me, Hannah Marie. I hope to share things I am learning in my day-to-dayrecipes, random thoughtspoetrymakeup & fashion advice, photography, and yes... occasionally some bookishness. A little bit of everything for an eclectic girl.

A few things to know about me.......

I am a college student, currently pursuing an English degree. I hope to go into publishing, be a social media influencer, & potentially start my own business one day. 

I want to inspire people to find joy in the now, to find contentment in the present, and to remember that a smile can literally change the world.

I am passionate about writing! In fact, I'm currently piecing together a novel on Wattpad & always whipping out poems for the internet (and even some guitar/ukulele songs on occasion).

I adore traveling the world! Wanderlust is rooted deep in my bones, so I try my best to explore any chance it get, wherever I am. I've even traveled internationally multiple time & I'm hoping to do it even more in the future! (Ask me about my time in Kenya, Africa sometime... it was life-changing.)

I'm a Pinterest-lover, with a weakness for a good aesthetic. Seriously, there's something so satisfying about placing a group of coordinating photos together & making something beautiful out of it!

Speaking of pictures, I'm an amateur photographer! I love snapping & editing photos, some of which I post on my Instagram. To me, a picture captures a piece of our past to carry into the future, and I find something so very poetic about that...

I'm an old soul, but I somehow still manage to have a notorious flair for being untraditional. I like to live with balance, finding a sweet harmony between the old and the new; the past and the present. We all have things to learn from both. 

I like to take life as it comes & I believe perspective can change everything. For me, Jesus Christ provides the outlook and direction I need to lead a fulfilling and joyful life! He carries me through the bad times, He walks with me during the good, and He nudges me to grow in mercy & grace every day.

My dream is to live a gentle, quiet life, creating beautiful things to inspire others & simultaneously express myself.

So there you have it! That's a simple summing-up of who I am & what this blog is to become. 

This is me.

This is me living authentically & without regrets.

This is me not letting other people's opinions get in the way of me following my calling.

This is me being me.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy joining me on this journey.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
"... aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one."

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